Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Ago Today

Five years ago today, this country was viciously attacked by a group of people with extreme hatred for this country. This act is this generations Pearl Harbor, JFK assasination all rolled into one. The attacked on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Americans on Flight 93. They did this in the name of thier god Allah. How can a god tell his followers to commit unspeakable acts like this.

The whole day today, I thought back to that day. I didn't know anyone personally that perished in that disater. My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones in the attacks or the aftermath of them. This is the worse disater that this country has ever known. Bin Laden is the worst possible monster that has ever lived.

I remember where I was when I first heard about it. I was in my car on my way to work in Mass. I was about to pull off on my exit when it was announced. The second plane had hit as I was coming in the office. My co-workers at the time were in total confusion, as was I. When I heard about the second plane, I knew that we were being attacked by terrorists. The only question was which group. This was inconcievable that we could be attacked like this. Now, we are watching everyone. The world will never be the same.

There have been so-called experts that say that the video of the attacks from that day should not be shown. They say it's too disturbing. I would say the video of JFK being shot is too disturbing, yet I don't hear anything bad about that. Same with the shooting of Martin Luther King Jr., or the attacks on Pearl Harbor. I think that this is history, and everyone needs to be reminded that we were attacked. We were brought into a war that we didn't want, but will finish.

Always remember 9/11/01. To this day, it makes me angry. Makes me sad. But I will never forget.

God Bless the United States of America. Bin Laden, we are coming for you.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stoned, and other things

Less than a week after I had the pain of my life (well, physical pain, anyway), I passed the stone. It passed at around 1 am Monday morning. Now, normally, you really wouldn't save it, but in my case I had to. You should see the contraption that I had to use when I went to the bathroom. A funnel with a screen. It was very wierd to use that thing. Now.... as you may have guessed by now... when the stone came out... the screen was NOT there to catch it. I had to fish it out of the toliet. It's always something with me, I guess. The next thing up is a dr.s appointment in October (first available) so that'll be LOTS of fun.

I also went to the Upper Arlington Arts Festival yesterday. My wife wanted to go, so I said sure. I do like going to these types of things, as it does indulge my (limited) artistic side. I'm more into photography than painting (execpt my wife's, who I think is awesome, but I am biased). There was alot there. I prefer Black and White to color photos, as I think they leave some to the imagination and it's just a little more pure than color photos. My opinion only.

I do have a gripe about it. I saw at least three different political candidates at this festival. Mary Jo Kilroy sticks out in my mind as the most annoying. (I think she was there, which is probably why I was annoyed.) I think these festivals should NOT be invaded by these political people. They crap all over the purity of these community festivals with their propaganda and slander (mostly of their oppenents). Being an independant voter, I'm sure they would have loved to talk to me and "sway" me. If they were in the parking lot, or at the enterance, I would have been okay with it, but inside the festival itself, it's a nuisance that takes away from the spirit of the festival. Again, just my opinion.

I also got to watch the first Ohio State Football game this weekend. I have some good feelings about this team. It's going to be a special year. I hope that by the time I go to the Penn State game, we are 3-0 and there is serious talk about a national title run then. No one seems to be taking the Bucks seriously. This weekend will be a HUGE test of the charecter of the Bucks, but I have faith that they will prevail.

That be all for now... I'm sure more will come, especially as it gets close to the move at work. That'll be in November, but there is so much to get ready for, it's not funny.

As for the picture, I just wanted to let you know that Christopher Lee, who played Count Dooku, has released a new album of showtunes. is the link to check it out. I really wish I could have made this up......

His next album.. I'm kookoo for Dooku Puffs (the b-sides)