Saturday, October 08, 2005

Too Damn Long

It's been too damn long since I posted. As I post here, I am watching the Ohio State-Penn State game. It's 7-3 Penn State right now.

Anyhow, much has happened since my last post. My friend Beau just got promoted to Operations Supervisor. I didn't apply for a variety of reasons. Most of all stress. I have enough in my life, and they don't pay enough to compensate for the added levels.

Damn, OSU got intercepted.... I hope this doesn't set the tone for the rest of the game.

Right now, I'm in the middle of a info gathering stage of getting a small business off the ground. I have some friends that are interested in joining me. I'm hoping that this goes somewhere. We have talent and knowledge to do it. But that can only go so far.

Hmm.. Penn State scored again. I'm so happy now.....

In some sad news, my grandfather on my father's side died. It's been two weeks, and I'm still a little torn up inside. A few good things came out of this, which make me happy. First, and most importantly, my father made peace with him. Secondly, I got to re-connect with that side of my family, some of who I haven't seen in over 15 years. Makes me happy that I get to see more family now, and more people to spend time with. I have alot of catching up to do.

I made a mistake in giving my son a toy lightsaber last night. I have a little padawan learner now. I've created a little Jedi.. and I dont' think I can stop it either....

I hope to update this more often.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I'm Wondering, Is that Snow in August?

Strange title, huh? What I'm trying to say is..hell has frozen over because I'm posting on my blog.

Anyway, it's been awhile since I"ve done anything with this. I haven't too much to report except now my family is back in town. The trip from hell is over. I have yet another car (96 Blazer), and my job hasn't changed... ONE BIT!!!!!!.

Yes, consistency SUCKS!!!! When life gets too boring and routine, *I* get bored.

I'm looking to get another job. I've grown too complacent where I'm at and need a challenge. I also need to go back to school. I need to spend time with the family. (Damn, I'm a needy bastard).

I need a challenge in my life. Oh, to those who think they have me fooled. Think again. Think long and hard. I'm not naive. I'm just quiet.

you know who you are.

Friday, July 22, 2005 I'm 33 now... I think...

I just turned 33 on Tuesday. It's wierd to think about really. I'm getting old, my body is beginning to feel it. Can't wait till I hit 40.....

On the work front, all I can say is that it's like playing Calvin Ball. For those who read Calvin and Hobbes, you will completely understand. Basically, you change the rules as you go along to suit your needs. Now, most companies would bend or re-interpret exisiting rules, policies, etc. Here, it's the attitude that if one policy doesn't work, we'll cram it down your throat, even if the management feels it should work, but obviously doesn't. Couple that with an average age of 22 of the work force you are dealing with, and you can understand the problem. Even younger people are resistant to change, especially if it forces them to produce or be reduced. (Produce, or Reduce!! Now that's a catchy slogan....) I just hope that I have a job when things go south. But I'm prepared if the opposite happens.

On the personal front, nothing new to report. Just slothing away until Melissa and the kids come home in 4 weeks or so. Again, not looking forward to the drive back, but at least I know I won't be alone as much anymore. My perspective on life has changed somewhat, and I hope for the better. Given the events that have happened so far since I moved back to Ohio, I can only imagine what's going to happen next.

And my condolences and prayers go out to the familes and friends of the victims of both London Bombings. As Londoners showed us, and New Yorkers did after 9/11, we will not yield to those who attempt to cause fear in us. Like Americans, English people are a strong people, and will not yield to terrorists.

Feel free to comment to me directly, or on the comments board proved here. If you want me to discuss a particular topic, I'm open to that on here. My e-mail to reach me, in case you have forgotten is Hope to hear from you.


Monday, July 04, 2005's been a month? Really?

There are times that I think that I need to get away from everything and everyone. Today is one of those times. I'm somewhat of a outgoing and spontanous person. I did something last week that was spontanous. Today, I am basically told what I did was wrong, and to stay out of their life. With recent events and revealations, it is something that I am going to steadfastly do. I only blame that person for what they have said and did. No one else. No one else really is to blame for it. It's sad that life has dealt me this card, but hopefully I'll become a better person for it.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Well....At least I have my health... I think.....

What a wacky 2 weeks it has been. I'm such a bad blogger. (Which leads me to think, what determines a bad blogger.....) Since my review of the Star Wars movie, I've seen it about 5 more times. (Only once more in a theater....) It gets better with every viewing. However, I digress.... but it's my blog and I have a right to......

At any rate, my wife and I had a cookout last weekend, which I think went very well. Nice weather, good friends and family, good food (the high point...), and getting to see my best friend made it all worth while. It's nice to see that my wife is making friends here, although it has been a struggle in other areas.

My ex just bought a new house, and moving out of the one that her and I had together. All I can say is... what took so long? I'm genuinely happy for her to have bought a bigger house so the girls have more room to roam, and live in a little bit better area. I got to see the inside today, and it's really nice.

On the work front, the job is changing yet again, as are the people I am working with. I never know day to day what is going to happen. While part of me finds this to be exciting to be part of such a dynamic position, the other part of me is hesitant to get confident about it. Since it is such a constantly changing position, does it have a chance to change itself out? In other words, how long will that postion be in existance? I know they are looking to cut costs, which I can compeletly understand. However, I don't know what my "cost-benefit" is to them. Hopefully I'll find out soon enough.

Well, my wife's trip back home seems to be also in a constant change. I just found out today that I get to drive BOTH legs of the trip. Needless to say, I'm not happy about it. However, I'll do it. I have a certain disdain for people who back out at the last possible minute, and it seems I'm always left picking up the pieces. To quote C3PO from Star Wars" I guess it's my lot in life, I seem to be made to suffer." I totally hate long drives. I think a drive of more than an hour is a hassle to me. But what fun would life be if it didn't throw you curve balls, eh?

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Curve Balls, Or how Life can surprise you...

Well, I got my wish. They have changed things at work. What are those changes you may ask...well.... I'll let you know when I do. We lost two people. That much is for certain. Funny thing was, we ran better. There is something to be said for running a leaner machine with less parts.

Tomorrow, however, they will only have two. I will be going to the Dayton Hamvention in Dayton Oh with my father. It's is an electronics geek paradise. I've always enjoyed going, and it's one of the things I get to do with my father. Even now, I'm using his computer to write this. However, the prospect of waking up at around 4:30...NOT what I want to do.... but then, it's all part of the Dayton expierence. Like Rain. Lots of Rain. I can't remember a Dayton without one day having rain.

I also plan on seeing Star Wars again in about 2 weeks. Call me a geek, but I just love those movies. I've seen every Star Wars movie in the theater several times. Yes, I am a Star Wars geek.

I'm also planning on starting a computer consulting business on the side. I'm getting some preliminary marketing ideas together. I'm trying to decide what I want to zero in on, and when I do, it'll be fun. I hope....

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Review of Revenge of the Sith

I saw the Third and Final installment of the Star Wars Franchise, Revenge of the Sith. This was the movie that chronicled the fall of Anakin Skywalker, otherwise known as Darth Vader.

After waiting for 2+ hours in the theater, the movie finally started. From beginning to end, there wasn't really a low point, or lull, in the action. The opening scene was Anakin and Obi-Wan attempting to rescue Palpatine, otherwise known to us now as Darth Sidious. We all know how it ends. It's the in-between parts that make this movie. Combining drama, action, comedy (I'm beginning to think that Lucas just put robots, or droids, in his movies stricly for comedic relief.)

Each charecter was well done. Jimy Smits as Bail Organa seemed to be brought to the forefront towards the end of the movie. However, the movie stealer of Ep. 3 was Ian McDiarmid, who played Emperor Paplatine/Darth Sidious. I daresay it is an Oscar caliber performance on his part.

Make no mistake about this movie, it is dark. There are two scenes in particular that probably caused this movie to be rated PG-13. I won't spoil it for anybody, but this is definitly dark. But if anyone is surprised by this, then I think they need to re-watch the other movies to realize that Anakin was heading that way anyway.

The Dialouge was good, and seemed to flow well. The locations and scenery really reflected the tone and mood of the film. Lucas has mastered that.

I'm sad to see the Franchise end. It will countinue on in books, and cartoons and TV show at some point, (just NO christmas special with Chewbacca's family!!!! LOL). There is a rumor that someone else may create episodes 7-9, but it is just that.

I hope you get a chance to see this movie. It was well worth the wait.

May the Force be with you.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

3 hours, and counting

I am currently waiting for my wife to get ready so we can leave for the theater. I'm excited about seeing this movie. It's been 27 years since I've seen the first one in the theater. It was the first movie I remember going to. Sitting in the front row at the Northland Mall theater (it had only two screens at the time), looking straight up for 2+ hours. It's an expierence I'll never forget.

I'll write my review of the movie when I return for it.

Friday, May 13, 2005

Long time no post

Well, I survived my in-laws visit. They were here for about 8 days. And what a wild 8 days it was. My 9 year fell off her swing set and broke both of her arms. My wife called 911, and the medics, since they are all knowing, decided that she was okay, and didn't even want to splint her arm. They suggested she go to the Childern's hosptial urgent care in Westerville. Now, call me crazy, but wouldn't it have been easier if they would have just taken her via ambulance to Childerns? Maybe I'm a little crazy to think that.

Anyway, She was a real trooper. The only time she cried was when they stuck the IV in her arm in the ER. She's doing well now. From the looks of things, she'll get the casts off next week.

Ahh, next week. The Holy Grail of Star Wars fans everywhere. I've got my ticket to see it at Midnight. I hope there are no guys there dressed as Leia. I've read the book, but I won't reveal anything about it here until about a month after the movie, if the topic comes up.

Anyway, I should be posting on this more regularly, as I do have a little more time to do this now.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

First Entry

My first entry into my blog. How exciting. How often will I be posting on this blog? Not sure. Life has this funny way of getting in the way of even the most simplest of things. Having four kids can be exhuasting, but in the end, it is worth it.

In-laws are coming this weekend. It should be a good visit. It usually is. And at least my work schedule is accomadating to it now.

I hope I can get more clarification on what is going on with the job I now have. It's like playing Calvinball. It's always changing. Come May 1st, we are not sure what's going to happen. Hopefully they flesh out what needs to be fleshed out.
