It's been awhile since I blogged. Over a year in fact. So many cobwebs and dust on this blog. I'll have to do some cleaning.
Anyway, for those that follow this blog, I apologize for the lack of posts. My life has gotten to the point where time isn't my friend. I hope to get back to it more often.
What has happened? Not much. Just Logan starting middle school this fall, becoming a Columbus Blue Jackets Season ticket holder (yes...I'm that excited about hockey now).
Logan starting middle school is exciting for me. He's done so well with school, and I can't wait for him to embark on this adventure. He's not going to a CCS school, which is a good thing, as who knows how they would manipulate his attendance and grades.
I've gotten into hockey in a major way. Going to the games I did has gotten me excited about the sport, and the CBJ specifically. It's a different type of fan base. They look out for one another, and are very passionate both about the sport, and their favorite team. However, if player on another team gets seriously hurt, they immediately become concerned, and even try to help in some way. I haven't seen that in other sports. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, I just don't see it as much. And the CBJ fans...they are simply amazing.
I will update this blog periodically...just to give you the boring details of my life. :)