Saturday, July 22, 2006


Got into an accident the other day. I broadsided this woman in the front of her truck. I got cited because someone had to. However, I really wish that this woman could be cited for stupidity.

I was turning left from the intersection. This intersection, which is about 100 ft from work, seems to be a little dangerous, as there is a hill coming from the west towards this intersection that people like to speed going down. Which I think this woman did. When I stopped at the intersection of Gahanna Pkwy (where I was turning left from) and Claycraft (where I wanted to turn left onto), it was clear. I was at a complete stop.

I went to pull out, maybe going 10 mph, when I saw this woman's truck. She came from out of NOWHERE!!! Even a co-worker said he didn't see where she came from. (He was coming down claycraft) I hit her, and when I did, she was probably going about 15 MPH herself. After the shock, I got out of the car and asked if she was okay. She said she was, but her husband wasn't going to be (Which I thought, who cares about your husband?) And then she uttered the dumbest this. She said 'You didn't even stop."

Obviously she wasn't paying attention. Had I not stopped, she would have hit me. The fact that she even said that to me was asinie. I didn't speak to her at all after that, as she was acting like a complete bitch. I overheard her, while on the phone (I would assume with her husband), call me an asshole. She had co-workers coming out to see what was going on. (She worked nearby as well). I even heard her tell the responding officer I didn't stop. He seemed skeptical that what she said was true. The other thing, if I didn't stop, would that her truck would have been pushed out into the middle of the road. when I hit her truck, We just got stuck. Obviously, this woman is a gold digger.

Karma is a bitch though. Her front driver's tire is bent at a 45 degree angle, so more than likely the truck will be totaled. That's what she gets for lying. I'm a firm believer in Karma now.

And this, the day after my birthday....What next?

Wait..never mind....


Amey said...

Sorry that you had a bad birthday. Well, day after the birthday...

Sorry I missed your birthday (oops!), but I did add a link to your blog on mine (since I'm updating it regularly now!), so please stop by.

Amey said...

Sorry you had such a bad day after your birthday and that I'm such a bad friend for missing the big day. :(

I've added a link from my blog to yours. I hope that makes up for it a little...I have nothing better to do than to complain about my publisher at work.