Not much has happened since the last posting, which is probably a good thing.
Melissa's last treatment went much better than the first one. No ER visit, no hospital stay. The only issue regarding the last treatment was some weakness, and she caught whatever is going around (as I did as well, but after 6 days, I think I've beaten it). She's over it as well. We are looking forward to the next treatment this weekend, although for me it's going to be a bit of a challenge. I'll explain that shortly.
One of the side effects, the hair loss, has come upon her. It's not completely gone. It's thinned out, and I think she still looks good. Her mother has trimmed it shorter, and it looks really good. She has bought two different wigs so far, and will purchase a third soon at a wig party that some friends from work will have for her in a few weeks. The wigs make her look really good, and it looks so real. I'm amazed how good it looks.
One good thing that has happened is that we have some in-home help with Logan. This will be so valuable during Melissa's treatments, and the couple days afterwards. I'm very grateful for that.
As I stated before, this next treatment will be a slight challenge for me. Melissa's parents left on Monday to go back home. While part of me is relieved that they did leave (I get my space back, so to speak), a bigger part of me misses having them. I think with them around, the general stress level is down, as many of the more mundane household chores got done. Now, it falls all on me, and I'm hoping that I can get as much done as I can, yet still care for Melissa. I'm slightly worried, but I'm hoping it's over nothing.