Monday, September 29, 2008

So much to do, so little time

I considered blogging about the current financial quagmire that our representatives in government have bestowed on us all. Since I'm not well versed in that area, and don't want to sound like a complete buffoon, I won't say much.

I had a interesting conversation with a co-worker today, that made me realize that I have about 16 months left until my oldest daughter will be old enough to drive. My oldest is currently a freshman in high school. I'm not worried about her going out and dating, as I feel she has a really good head on her shoulders regarding that subject. But driving is a WHOLE other area that I am realizing that I'm not ready for. I'm thinking that I need to prepare by maybe finding another 16 year old and get all the "bad parent" stuff out of the way. Or maybe Nintendo can come out with a driving set so they can practice without raising my insurance rates.

Logan is doing well at Step by Step. I haven't updated that blog in awhile, as there really hasn't been much going on in that aspect for some time, so I've been quiet on that side. If you want to read the old posts, the blog is

Melissa is back at work now. She works at Step by Step. She's happy that she's doing something, and I'm happy for her.

I'm also back at studying again. I'm not in school, but immersing myself into learning about Windows Server products and all I can absorb about help desk techniques. Other than my son, I have a passion for computers and how they work. I've also started a small side business fixing and upgrading computers. It's fun, and I've met some interesting people.

I hope to get to post more of my ramblings here in the future. Not having as much time as I used to is taking some getting used to. I hope to get to also talk to those who read this blog and my blog about my son.

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