Monday, May 21, 2012

Upcoming week

Over the course of the next week, it is going to be a very emotional week for me. As I've posted over the past few weeks, it should be obvious to most people why. If not, really need to stop and think.

Anyway, I've been thinking quite a bit about things over the past couple weeks, and how I want to deal with some things. But I had a light bulb going off moment yesterday. I'm not going to stress over things that may or may not happen. I will deal with them as they happen. 

But, let this serve as a warning. I will not be taken advantage of, even in my emotional state. In the past, some have been successful. Certain people may even try to do it in the very near future. I put emphasis on try. They have said and done things in contrary in the past to what I know to be true. They may or may not know who they are.

To quote the latest cute saying "Come at me, bro"

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