Saturday, May 21, 2005

Curve Balls, Or how Life can surprise you...

Well, I got my wish. They have changed things at work. What are those changes you may ask...well.... I'll let you know when I do. We lost two people. That much is for certain. Funny thing was, we ran better. There is something to be said for running a leaner machine with less parts.

Tomorrow, however, they will only have two. I will be going to the Dayton Hamvention in Dayton Oh with my father. It's is an electronics geek paradise. I've always enjoyed going, and it's one of the things I get to do with my father. Even now, I'm using his computer to write this. However, the prospect of waking up at around 4:30...NOT what I want to do.... but then, it's all part of the Dayton expierence. Like Rain. Lots of Rain. I can't remember a Dayton without one day having rain.

I also plan on seeing Star Wars again in about 2 weeks. Call me a geek, but I just love those movies. I've seen every Star Wars movie in the theater several times. Yes, I am a Star Wars geek.

I'm also planning on starting a computer consulting business on the side. I'm getting some preliminary marketing ideas together. I'm trying to decide what I want to zero in on, and when I do, it'll be fun. I hope....

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