Friday, May 13, 2005

Long time no post

Well, I survived my in-laws visit. They were here for about 8 days. And what a wild 8 days it was. My 9 year fell off her swing set and broke both of her arms. My wife called 911, and the medics, since they are all knowing, decided that she was okay, and didn't even want to splint her arm. They suggested she go to the Childern's hosptial urgent care in Westerville. Now, call me crazy, but wouldn't it have been easier if they would have just taken her via ambulance to Childerns? Maybe I'm a little crazy to think that.

Anyway, She was a real trooper. The only time she cried was when they stuck the IV in her arm in the ER. She's doing well now. From the looks of things, she'll get the casts off next week.

Ahh, next week. The Holy Grail of Star Wars fans everywhere. I've got my ticket to see it at Midnight. I hope there are no guys there dressed as Leia. I've read the book, but I won't reveal anything about it here until about a month after the movie, if the topic comes up.

Anyway, I should be posting on this more regularly, as I do have a little more time to do this now.

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