Thursday, May 19, 2005

Review of Revenge of the Sith

I saw the Third and Final installment of the Star Wars Franchise, Revenge of the Sith. This was the movie that chronicled the fall of Anakin Skywalker, otherwise known as Darth Vader.

After waiting for 2+ hours in the theater, the movie finally started. From beginning to end, there wasn't really a low point, or lull, in the action. The opening scene was Anakin and Obi-Wan attempting to rescue Palpatine, otherwise known to us now as Darth Sidious. We all know how it ends. It's the in-between parts that make this movie. Combining drama, action, comedy (I'm beginning to think that Lucas just put robots, or droids, in his movies stricly for comedic relief.)

Each charecter was well done. Jimy Smits as Bail Organa seemed to be brought to the forefront towards the end of the movie. However, the movie stealer of Ep. 3 was Ian McDiarmid, who played Emperor Paplatine/Darth Sidious. I daresay it is an Oscar caliber performance on his part.

Make no mistake about this movie, it is dark. There are two scenes in particular that probably caused this movie to be rated PG-13. I won't spoil it for anybody, but this is definitly dark. But if anyone is surprised by this, then I think they need to re-watch the other movies to realize that Anakin was heading that way anyway.

The Dialouge was good, and seemed to flow well. The locations and scenery really reflected the tone and mood of the film. Lucas has mastered that.

I'm sad to see the Franchise end. It will countinue on in books, and cartoons and TV show at some point, (just NO christmas special with Chewbacca's family!!!! LOL). There is a rumor that someone else may create episodes 7-9, but it is just that.

I hope you get a chance to see this movie. It was well worth the wait.

May the Force be with you.

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