Hello out there in Blogland. I'm back with another non-sensical blog....
I read something hysterical today. A guy in Maine was sued by an agency in New York City regarding his blog at www.mainewebreport.com. Now, this gentleman was concerned how his tax dollars were being spent. Upon learning that this ad agency did not really track results, yet had purchased Adwords (googles paid search, which I work with for my company) of EVERY CITY in Maine. Now, all of these words, when someone did a search on that city, the Maine Department of Tourism would have a link to it's site. However, they did not track ANYTHING!!! There was no way to tell if they were getting some sort of Return on Investment, newsletter sign-ups, anything. And this New York City ad agency..... DIDN'T EITHER!!!! That's an account I'd like to have. Long story short, the ad agency sued claiming all sort of things, then realized since blogging is protected by the FIRST Amendment, they dropped the suit. Score one for the little guy. I wouldn't recommend you go after a company in a blog and say untrue things, (that's not protected per se,) but you can say how company XYZ is wrong about something or how your state is mis-using your tax dollars. Blogging has giving us a new voice.
In my own life, not much is going on. Job is going awesome. I can say how happy I am there enough. I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something. That's always a plus. I'm happy spring is here and I can go outside and do things (cept for tonight, too tired). Looking forward to the Dayton Hamvention in two weeks. That'll be lots of fun. I'm also working to get a server working so I can host a site, but that's coming along real slowly. Seems my cohorts and I are having issues with computer parts... they can't seem to agree to work..... sad really.
Anyway.. I'll be back someday with more to talk about.
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