Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Life, and it's strange twists

There are several things in life that make you stop and reflect on things. Having a child, a death of someone close to you, marriage (or making a commitment to another person in front of friends and family) are all examples of this.

I recently had one of those moments. The Tuesday before Christmas, I found out that my wife had cancer. Specifically, colonrectal cancer. Needless to say, I was in a state of shock. In some ways, I still am. Someone her age, and she's younger than me, has cancer. It feels like a body blow that I've not recovered from.

I find myself thinking about the potential outcomes of all of this. Some of them, to be honest, aren't very pretty. And I'm scared. The person to whom I've dedicated my life to, in some ways is fighting for her own life. I feel helpless sometimes. It's hard to see someone whom you love suffer. And I do think about our kids and how this will impact them. I think that is the hardest part of all of this.

Through all of it, I've remained as positive as I can be. She's being treated at the Ohio State James Cancer Center, which is considered one of the best cancer hospitals in the nation. That gives me hope, and the determination to help her beat this thing. Most of those who know me, know that I am an optimist. Someone who always sees the good in any situation. While this situation will try that optimism, I'm confident that I, along with Melissa, can win.

I will try and keep everyone updated throughout all of this. I can't make any promises, as we don't know what road we will be going down as we travel. I hope that my next blog will be a positive, more uplifting, post.

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