Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years Ago Today

Five years ago today, this country was viciously attacked by a group of people with extreme hatred for this country. This act is this generations Pearl Harbor, JFK assasination all rolled into one. The attacked on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the Americans on Flight 93. They did this in the name of thier god Allah. How can a god tell his followers to commit unspeakable acts like this.

The whole day today, I thought back to that day. I didn't know anyone personally that perished in that disater. My heart goes out to those that lost loved ones in the attacks or the aftermath of them. This is the worse disater that this country has ever known. Bin Laden is the worst possible monster that has ever lived.

I remember where I was when I first heard about it. I was in my car on my way to work in Mass. I was about to pull off on my exit when it was announced. The second plane had hit as I was coming in the office. My co-workers at the time were in total confusion, as was I. When I heard about the second plane, I knew that we were being attacked by terrorists. The only question was which group. This was inconcievable that we could be attacked like this. Now, we are watching everyone. The world will never be the same.

There have been so-called experts that say that the video of the attacks from that day should not be shown. They say it's too disturbing. I would say the video of JFK being shot is too disturbing, yet I don't hear anything bad about that. Same with the shooting of Martin Luther King Jr., or the attacks on Pearl Harbor. I think that this is history, and everyone needs to be reminded that we were attacked. We were brought into a war that we didn't want, but will finish.

Always remember 9/11/01. To this day, it makes me angry. Makes me sad. But I will never forget.

God Bless the United States of America. Bin Laden, we are coming for you.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Stoned, and other things

Less than a week after I had the pain of my life (well, physical pain, anyway), I passed the stone. It passed at around 1 am Monday morning. Now, normally, you really wouldn't save it, but in my case I had to. You should see the contraption that I had to use when I went to the bathroom. A funnel with a screen. It was very wierd to use that thing. Now.... as you may have guessed by now... when the stone came out... the screen was NOT there to catch it. I had to fish it out of the toliet. It's always something with me, I guess. The next thing up is a dr.s appointment in October (first available) so that'll be LOTS of fun.

I also went to the Upper Arlington Arts Festival yesterday. My wife wanted to go, so I said sure. I do like going to these types of things, as it does indulge my (limited) artistic side. I'm more into photography than painting (execpt my wife's, who I think is awesome, but I am biased). There was alot there. I prefer Black and White to color photos, as I think they leave some to the imagination and it's just a little more pure than color photos. My opinion only.

I do have a gripe about it. I saw at least three different political candidates at this festival. Mary Jo Kilroy sticks out in my mind as the most annoying. (I think she was there, which is probably why I was annoyed.) I think these festivals should NOT be invaded by these political people. They crap all over the purity of these community festivals with their propaganda and slander (mostly of their oppenents). Being an independant voter, I'm sure they would have loved to talk to me and "sway" me. If they were in the parking lot, or at the enterance, I would have been okay with it, but inside the festival itself, it's a nuisance that takes away from the spirit of the festival. Again, just my opinion.

I also got to watch the first Ohio State Football game this weekend. I have some good feelings about this team. It's going to be a special year. I hope that by the time I go to the Penn State game, we are 3-0 and there is serious talk about a national title run then. No one seems to be taking the Bucks seriously. This weekend will be a HUGE test of the charecter of the Bucks, but I have faith that they will prevail.

That be all for now... I'm sure more will come, especially as it gets close to the move at work. That'll be in November, but there is so much to get ready for, it's not funny.

As for the picture, I just wanted to let you know that Christopher Lee, who played Count Dooku, has released a new album of showtunes. is the link to check it out. I really wish I could have made this up......

His next album.. I'm kookoo for Dooku Puffs (the b-sides)

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Pain, suffering, and fun stuff

I spent part of my day today in the ER. My whole lower back, stomach and unmentionables were all in pain. I could not get comfortable. After about 90 minutes at home, I decided (well... no choice, but still) that I needed to go to the ER. After what seemed like an eternity (20 minutes, but being in pain it seemed longer) my wife and I got to the ER. I've never seen my wife in such a hurry to get somewhere. I know she was concerned for me, but it still amazed me.

Once we got there, and signed in, and all that fun stuff, it seemed like 30 minutes went by before they brought me back. (I was first back, mainly because of the pain I was in, thankfully) At one point, I almost passed out, and they got me a wheelchair. From an ego standpoint, that hurt. I've always prided myself on the fact I can get through anyhing on my own, including that. When I finally got placed in a room, the pain got worse. When they ask you on a scale, 1 being moderate and 10 being unbearable, I didn't let them finish. It was about an 8. When they decided to stick me with an IV, I was happy, even though I hate needles. Even wierder was the pain started to go away while waiting for the IV. ( I haven't felt any major pain since)

I was in and out the rest of the time there. I remember the CAT scan. I remember the doctor telling me that I had a Kidney stone (which is what they suspected from the beginning) that was about 4mm wide. Now, all I have to do is wait for it to pass. I have to pee using this funnel like device with a screen, so I can catch the stone when it comes out. That's just going to be a wierd expierence for me.

The best thing about all of this is how attentive and caring my wife is. It never ceases to amaze me how much she does care, even though I can be a jerk at times. It takes something like this for me to see it. Makes me feel like a moron now...

Oh... 4 more days to the start of the OSU season. I have a good feeling about this one.....

Saturday, July 22, 2006


Got into an accident the other day. I broadsided this woman in the front of her truck. I got cited because someone had to. However, I really wish that this woman could be cited for stupidity.

I was turning left from the intersection. This intersection, which is about 100 ft from work, seems to be a little dangerous, as there is a hill coming from the west towards this intersection that people like to speed going down. Which I think this woman did. When I stopped at the intersection of Gahanna Pkwy (where I was turning left from) and Claycraft (where I wanted to turn left onto), it was clear. I was at a complete stop.

I went to pull out, maybe going 10 mph, when I saw this woman's truck. She came from out of NOWHERE!!! Even a co-worker said he didn't see where she came from. (He was coming down claycraft) I hit her, and when I did, she was probably going about 15 MPH herself. After the shock, I got out of the car and asked if she was okay. She said she was, but her husband wasn't going to be (Which I thought, who cares about your husband?) And then she uttered the dumbest this. She said 'You didn't even stop."

Obviously she wasn't paying attention. Had I not stopped, she would have hit me. The fact that she even said that to me was asinie. I didn't speak to her at all after that, as she was acting like a complete bitch. I overheard her, while on the phone (I would assume with her husband), call me an asshole. She had co-workers coming out to see what was going on. (She worked nearby as well). I even heard her tell the responding officer I didn't stop. He seemed skeptical that what she said was true. The other thing, if I didn't stop, would that her truck would have been pushed out into the middle of the road. when I hit her truck, We just got stuck. Obviously, this woman is a gold digger.

Karma is a bitch though. Her front driver's tire is bent at a 45 degree angle, so more than likely the truck will be totaled. That's what she gets for lying. I'm a firm believer in Karma now.

And this, the day after my birthday....What next?

Wait..never mind....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 I haven't kept up with this

I'm just a lazy person..that's all..

Anyways.. I've been very busy with my life as of late. I am working my butt off at my job, between the web marketing and IT items that I work with. Seems to make the day go by better when I'm busy. I'm enjoying my work alot as well. The really nice thing is that I'm appreciated. That is a wonderful feeling.

One thing that I need to throw my two cents in about is the Net Neturality that is being debated on in Congress. What this bill does is create a two tier internet. The network providers (such as Verizon, AT&T, Comcast, etc) can charge a premium to companies such as Yahoo, Amazon, Google to be downloaded faster to their customers. A Fast Lane, if you will. How does this affect the average consumer, you may ask? For starters, those fees that the ISP's would charge would more than likely be handed down to the customers purchasing products from the various sites. Also, I've read a few reports that the ISP's would charge their customers a little more to cover a creation of a Deptartment that would oversee these charges. I hardly call this neutral.

This was brought to Congress by Verizon. With the loss of revenue from traditional landlines to VoIP (voice over internet protocol), mobile phones, digital phones through cable providers, they were looking for an additonal source of revenue to compensate for that. AT&T, Comcast, and Time Warner are all in favor of this bill, as are many republicans in both the House and Senate. This has been a hotly contested issue for some time. A vote is imminent, and it's not looking good. I urge you to write your congressmen and Senator to vote against this bill. This will change the landscape of the internet as we know it forever. (Getting off my soapbox now)

Can someone tell me why it's such a big deal that President Bush swore? Last I checked, he's a human, with thoughts, feelings and desires the same as you and I. I'm not his biggest fan, to be honest, but I think that the microscope this has been under is amazing. He's frustarated with a frustrating problem that has been a thorn in the side of many presidents. Let him vent and move on... geez.... **^$ media.....

Go see Clerks 2, coming out this Friday.....

Oh... go visit my friends Blog at This is a blog by the author of Alison's Journey. Her website is if you want more information on the book or any upcoming projects she has.

As usual, any questions, comments, or complaints... e-mail me at


Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I would, at this point, generally complain about the lousy weather we've been having here. I saw the sun for the first time yesterday (it's 2 in the morning right now) in about 10 days or so.

After seeing the damage caused by all the rain in the Merrimack Valley where I used to live in Mass, I won't complain one bit. I've talked to most of the friends I have up there, and they seem to be okay. There is only one I haven't heard from that I am somewhat concerned about as they live about 100-200ft from one of the rivers that has crested. Knowing the people of the area like I do, I know they'll bounce back and be back on their feet in no time. I just wanted to let them know that I am thinking of them in this time of need. From what I have read so far, only one person has died as a result of this flooding. This is a blessing if this is true, as it could have been alot worse.

I hope to hear from some of my friends when they are home and the ground is dry.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Fun stuff, and other....stuff

wow.. a record..two days between posts.... I must be high... (no... not really....)

Anyway, things are going well. Getting together with Beau on Saturday to maybe...possibly.. FINALLY get this server up and running. I'll be a very busy person once that starts up.

It's raining here tonight. What grass I have that wasn't burnt by fertilizer will grow nicely. I need to get out and seed part of my yard.. but just haven't had the chance to. Yes.. lazy I know..but still...

My old job went to a pay per call model. That was the worst possible thing they could have done. And they want to keep people? Good luck with that. I hope those two people left enjoy it...

New Job...still awesome. can't beat it.

Monday, May 08, 2006


Hello out there in Blogland. I'm back with another non-sensical blog....

I read something hysterical today. A guy in Maine was sued by an agency in New York City regarding his blog at Now, this gentleman was concerned how his tax dollars were being spent. Upon learning that this ad agency did not really track results, yet had purchased Adwords (googles paid search, which I work with for my company) of EVERY CITY in Maine. Now, all of these words, when someone did a search on that city, the Maine Department of Tourism would have a link to it's site. However, they did not track ANYTHING!!! There was no way to tell if they were getting some sort of Return on Investment, newsletter sign-ups, anything. And this New York City ad agency..... DIDN'T EITHER!!!! That's an account I'd like to have. Long story short, the ad agency sued claiming all sort of things, then realized since blogging is protected by the FIRST Amendment, they dropped the suit. Score one for the little guy. I wouldn't recommend you go after a company in a blog and say untrue things, (that's not protected per se,) but you can say how company XYZ is wrong about something or how your state is mis-using your tax dollars. Blogging has giving us a new voice.

In my own life, not much is going on. Job is going awesome. I can say how happy I am there enough. I actually feel like I'm accomplishing something. That's always a plus. I'm happy spring is here and I can go outside and do things (cept for tonight, too tired). Looking forward to the Dayton Hamvention in two weeks. That'll be lots of fun. I'm also working to get a server working so I can host a site, but that's coming along real slowly. Seems my cohorts and I are having issues with computer parts... they can't seem to agree to work..... sad really.

Anyway.. I'll be back someday with more to talk about.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Time flies

And then BOOM!!!

It's been way too long since I posted here. I'm probably not going to say much here. My daughter left for Florida this morning. Getting up earlier than I am used to isn't fun. She arrived safely, which I am glad for.

I got a new job since I last posted. I am a Web Marketing Assistant for a promotional product company. It's an awesome place to work. I really enjoy my work and like the people I work with. I look forward to going into work now.

I'll post more later on this week when I'm more coherent and not bobbing my head towards the keyboard.