Monday, January 16, 2012

Another weekend gone by

Well..another weekend in the books. One big thing was that my middle daughter, Holli, turned 16 years old. I've very proud of the young woman she has turned into. She has really grown, and the sky is the limit for her. She spent her birthday weekend in Disney, and judging from some of the pictures, it looks like she had a lot of fun.

On my end, pretty typical weekend. Spent time with Megan and Shannon. Megan is really beginning to show her artistic side. She also organized all of the paints, brushes and art stuff that I had in my closet. I brought them down in the basement, and the spent a good amount of time working on it. She also has Melissa's large canvas, and it working on something. So far, it looks good, and I can't wait to see the final product.

Shannon worked most of the weekend. She also did pep band at her school on Saturday. She's looking forward to graduating and getting on with her life. I support her no matter what, as a father should. I'm probably as excited about it as she is.

Logan just is having a blast in his room. He has a computer, legos, and a DVD player with a TV in there. He is a very happy boy. It will be sad to see him leave SBSA, but I know it's for the best, and will help him achieve even greater things.

I was sad that I had to spend Holli's 16th birthday away from her. I really wish that Melissa was here to celebrate with her and as a family. I know that she is watching over right now, but that is a small comfort.

I did discover a new band over the weekend though. It is called Sixx AM. It is a side project of the bass player for Motley Crue, Nikki Sixx. The album I downloaded, This is Gonna Hurt, is, from top to bottom, one of the better albums I have heard in a long time. I can't say enough good about them. I highly recommend you give them a listen. And when you do, listen to the lyrics...they are as powerful as the music.

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