Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday the 13th musings

I think the word irony would describe my life at times. It seems that Friday the 13th, while unlucky for most people, is associated with so many good things in my life. Allow me to explain, (which I will, as this is my blog)

The first thing that happened good to me, is the birth of my youngest daughter, Megan. She was born on a Friday the 13th in December. She has grown into a very wonderful young woman. I am very proud of her.

The second thing is I graduate college on a Friday the 13th, six months after Megan was born. One of the best days of my life.

Next thing, is I had the wedding rehearsal for the wedding with Melissa. I remember just being so happy that day, knowing that the next day, would be the first step in what I consider the best journey that I have ever been on. It began a journey that lasted close to 12 years. It is a journey that I loved, and will always treasure in my heart.

It took over 12 years to have a good Friday the 13th again, but it happened today. I had a dr appt, and I had to have some lab work done today. Now, I have a huge fear of needles, especially blood needles. I was determined to do it. My rationale was that if Melissa could do it for the 2 and a half years she doggedly fought her cancer, I had to man up for this one time.

Now, to set the stage, I walk in to the room, and the first thing I see is the chair. The best way to describe it would be to take a hospital chair that you would see in a lobby, add one of those folding desktops (with padding) you see in High School, and that was what I saw when I first walked in. My first thought (as I was already psyching myself out) was that I was about to be some weird lab experiment. But that didn't deter me.

Now, the nurse started to check for a good vein, and she looked at both arms. When I heard her let out a frustrated sigh, I just told myself she was tired (which, in retrospect, not the best thought to have). She then told me I have small veins. Now, I felt that confidence just ooze out of my body. My thoughts turned to, how many holes am I about to get in my arms?

Just as that thought entered, she swabbed my arm, and stuck the needle in. Now, I was distracting myself by talking with the nurse about a random topic. Next thing I know, we are done.

My fear of needles has lessened a bit, but to claim all the credit would be wrong of me. I felt a calming presence there today that told me to stop being a wussy. Yes, that would be Melissa.

Thank you for getting me through this, and giving me the confidence to do it. You would have been proud of me. I love you for that.

To say that Friday the 13th's have been good to me is an understatement. It's given me untold good times.

1 comment:

Nikki Parsons said...

It's the small things! She was holding your hand during that whole process! ;-)